Choosing "ITexit" and Finding New Managed IT Services in AlbuquerqueIf you're not happy with your managed IT services in Albuquerque, consider organizing an ITexit campaign that explores finding a new provider. The last thing you need to worry about is overpaying a firm that doesn't deliver on its promises. Your business depends on moving forward by keeping up with new technology that helps--- not hurts--- your bottom line. Here are ways to exit a bad IT provider and enter a brave new world of higher quality services.

Terminating a Managed IT Services Contract

Suppose your provider of managed IT services in Albuquerque is letting your company down with frequent downtime and lack of ability to fix problems sufficiently. Let's go one step further and say they’re just ripping you off and you're not getting much ROI out of the deal. Ideally, you resisted signing a long-term agreement in the first place. But if you do happen to be locked into a long-term deal, there are still ways to get out.

Most IT services contracts have termination clauses that spell out what happens if either party breaches the agreement. First, review your contract and make sure you’re clear on what you signed up for. If you have proof that the firm has breached the agreement, you may be able to avoid going through the legal process and just tell the firm that you want to find another consultant who can serve your needs better. Here are some scenarios that may allow you to get out of a bad deal immediately:

  • Both parties agree to terminate the contract
  • The provider has caused damages to your property or reputation
  • You’ve been billed inappropriately for services you didn’t receive
  • Lack of willingness to perform the contract warrants termination
  • The provider has been bought out by another company
  • No contract was signed or the agreement has already expired

Your Next IT Agreement

Before leaving your provider, research the market to find a replacement that's more suitable for your needs. Use your experience to study future agreements more carefully. Consider a firm that offers flexible contracts so that you can decide over time if you wish to have a long-term relationship with them. Here are some key essentials to look for in your next IT services contract:

  • Security that includes encryption and other modern protection
  • Basic server maintenance
  • 24/7 help desk support
  • Network monitoring
  • Data backup and disaster recovery plan
  • IT infrastructure policies

Once you find the provider that meets your specific requirements, be sure to ask a series of questions before committing to a contract. It's best to have a clear understanding about what happens in the event of a disaster or damaged equipment. Find out what the skill level is of the support by asking about backgrounds and certifications. You should also be clear on how often maintenance is performed and if it involves downtime. The best providers will keep downtime to a minimum.


Since not all managed IT services in Albuquerque have the best interests of their customers in mind, you may need to plan an ITexit to upgrade your services. Contact us at Net Sciences, Inc. to discuss your technology needs. We’re ready to share our years of expertise to help keep your network running smoothly and to provide the state-of-the-art solutions.